This article is to diagnose a healthy handlebar system and only applies if you have our Perfect Stitch regulating electronics (your machine may have come with them, but many do not).

The following tests assume that you have no communication errors and everything is powered on and communicating. If not check out Communication/Power Issues.


For those with an android display, make sure the fluorescent lights checkbox is in the correct orientation.If you have fluorescent lights, check the box and restart the app.
If you do not have fluorescent lights, un-check the box and restart the app.
Check under "System Information" that the first number of all the versions match.
  • If you have a Linux display, the versions should all start with 4.
  • If you have an android display, the versions should all start with 5.
If you have mismatched versions, you can attempt to update them manually to the correct versions. If that is unsuccessful, you must send in the unit that needs to be updated (or "downdated", depending on your display).
Check to make sure all the cables are plugged in correctly. Many handlebars have a cable that is plugged in to power separate from the communication on the PCB mounted in the back.Plug them in correctly.
Check to see if each of the buttons communicate with the machine by causing some reaction on screen or with the needle.If pressing a button changes absolutely nothing on screen or with the needle, then the button is not plugged in correctly or the buttons have gone bad. You may be able to remove the button and see if it is still connected properly, and if not, plug it back in.
Check to see if all of the buttons communicate with the machine.If none of the buttons do anything, then the junction box/board may have something wrong with it. New junction box/boards may be purchased by working with your dealer.
Check if each button is doing what is expected.If the buttons do something you do not expect, it may be that the handlebar button cables are plugged into the opposite ports on the junction box/board. It also may be that your app is using a different profile, or your buttons have been modified in your current profile (tap the people icon at the top to view all profiles). Make sure you are educated on what each button's intended function is.

How to Send in My Product for Repair 

If all those tests pass and are behaving normally, you can positively say your handlebar system is working as intended. 

If your machine is still having problems, then we recommend doing more field tests to identify what to do to get your machine working as soon as possible.