On the Perfect Stitch system the pulley on your system has most likely changed and you will need to set the ratio of the pulley. 

The way to know if this needs to be done is:

  1. Your needle is not stopping in the proper up position, when it previously was.
  2. You have confirmed the diagnostics of your system and all are reading properly.
    1. See here to check diagnostics

Download Doc here: reset motor ratio

Check ratio

Go to File > Diagnostics > Motor Settings > Additional Settings

The motor ratio could be off. An update can revert a set motor ratio to the default 1.475 (This is the correct setting for Tin Lizzie ESP, Viking, Pfaff, and King Quilter machines).  In order to reset the motor ratio

  1. Select Motor Ratio
  2. Gently spin the handwheel 3-4 full rotations (Be careful to not backtrack while turning)
  3. Select the white box that has the motor ratio number
  4. Check Load Ratio (If it is already checked, uncheck and recheck the box)
  5. Go back to Diagnostics and test the motor encoder and motor index again.