USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Not actively updated for correctness.
Update files and instructions on how to update Quilt-EZ robotics products.
Before you begin
- When upgrading from 2.9 to 3.0, ensure you download the correct file for your screen size..
- Safari Browser users:
- If you are using a Mac or Apple computer, please follow these instructions to allow your browser to download the updates.
- Read through all of the update/upgrade instructions prior to performing the update/upgrade.
Perform the update
If your current display version is 2.8 or less, download the 2.09 Display Update file and click Update instructions below.
IF your current display version is 2.9, download the the appropriate 3.0.6 update file for your screen size and click Update instructions below.
Version 2.0 to 2.09
Upgrading from 2.0 to 3.0 Software
1. Unzip the attached file
2. You should see a folder called “”qcc_update”. If you do not see this folder, and you see 4 files and a “Denver_update.tar.gz” you will need to create this “qcc_update” folder and place the 4 files and “tar.gz” file into the folder.
It is important that this folder is at the root of your jump drive
3. Copy the folder to your USB jump drive (Take special note of the folder. You should NOT have a “qcc_update” folder with a “qcc_update” folder inside of it. It must only be 1 folder right at the root of your drive with the files inside.)
4. Plug the jump drive into your remote
6. Find the “qcc_update” folder
7. Double tap it to open. (If it doesn’t open at first, double tap quicker.)
8. Find the “chester.bin” file
9. Touch the file so it is highlighted and touch ok
10. Touch yes to copy the file
11. The system will now run through several different updating phases and should take about 1-2 minutes
12. Once finished, go into Home > Setup > System Info
Your Versions should be as follows
Software version: 3.0#
MC Firmware: 3.0#
SC Firmware: same version as prior to update
13. After running the update, go into Home—Setup—Advanced and press Factory Settings. (This will reset the robotic values to a factory default.)
Version 2.09 to 3.0
- Download 3.06 Display/Motor Box Update (7 inch display)
- Download 3.06 Display/Motor Box Update (5 inch display)
1. Find the “qcc_update.tar.gz”
2. Copy this file directly to your jump drive (DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE)
4. The system will now automatically go out and find the correct file.
5. Once it is found, it will ask you if you want to update with “said” file, and you select yes/no.
6. NOTE: If you have 2 of these “tar.gz” files on your jump drive in 2 different folders, the system will update with the first one it finds. So be sure to only have 1 of these files on your drive at one time.
7. Once finished, go into HOME—SETUP—SYSTEM INFO
Your versions should be as follows
Software version: 3.0#
MC Firmware: 3.0#
SC Firmware: same version as prior to update
8. After running the update, go into Home—Setup—Advanced and press Factory Settings. (This will reset the robotic values to a factory default.)